First off:
Jug shovel! Almost two weeks ago we received about a foot of snow in a night, and my car was buried under drafts coming off our building. What did I do? I left it there for nine days, and waited for the snow to melt completely. Candice was more proactive than I, and she made a handy shovel by taking a gallon jug and cutting the bottom out. Had I not been a wimp, I would have gone out and removed the snow. Regardless of my sloth, kudos to Candice for being resourceful!

Next up:

Coaster! You may recognize this lovely magenta coaster from the post "down to the knitty-gritty!" This was originally started as a scarf, however I tightened up the tension which made the yarn very difficult to work with. Spring is (finally) on its way, and knitting a scarf just sort of seems like asking for another ice storm. I was also sick of looking at it on the needle. I casted off and now I have a great coaster/pot holder.
Moving right along:

Yarn doll! While watching the Oscars last night, I eyed the yarn I had recently gotten sick of using, and decided to make another project. Yarn dolls were one of my favorite things to make as a child (read: 14) They are a very simple craft. All you need is some yarn. I took a small notebook, wrapped the yarn around the notebook about 20 times. I then tied the yarn on the top with a new, smaller piece of yarn. That's the top of the head. Then the yarn at the bottom was snipped and the head, arms, torso, and legs were tied off, using more short pieces of yarn. Meggy is pictured holding the yarn doll that she creepily named "Dakota Fanning." Just kidding. I made the yarn doll for Candice, and to my knowledge, she has not named it.
Jumping out of order:

Hearts cut out of paper! The weekend before Valentine's Day, we had people over to our apartment for a "Sweethearts Dance." The event was complete with a makeout closet, cheesey home made decorations, and bad, bad music. Here is the "Makeout Closet." Romantic or what?!
Something Marie made:

Collage! Marie made a collage of things that she liked yesterday. Supplies: magazines, paper, gluestick. The collage features photos of a rainbow, a unicorn, and X-Tina. (Not kidding.)
Something Joey made:

A Tiny Christmas hat! Joey helped us with our Christmas decorations. I guess it's about time to give credit where credit is due. He made a little hat for our kitty picture in the bathroom, as well as for our lamp-version of Pope John Paul II, and the Alf poster. Sadly, only the kitty is still in the Christmas spirit. Probably because it is late February.

Pasta salad! I made pasta salad on Saturday. There's a little left in the fridge. It's way more appetizing than it appears in my less-than-professional photograph.
Not a craft:

This is a kitty I got for Meg for her 20th birthday. It sits on the back of our toilet and is very creepy. It's not a craft that we or anyone else we know made, but someone, somewhere designed this weird little critter, and I am very glad that it has made it into our apartment. I love getting out of the shower early in the morning and seeing the creepy blue eyes. How adorable.