9:30ish, April 26, 2007:
(note: Candice told me that the writer of that article read this craft blog once and was amused. Here's a holler at Dave!)Marie, Megan, and I were getting ready to drive over to Chilly's Convenience Store to pick up some candy when everything in the apartment went dark. Being the children that we are, we screamed for a while, but eventually got a hold of ourselves. The three of us went out to the back porch to see if we could figure out who had power and who did not. Emergency lights were on at Offenhauer, however most everything else was dark. For once, the Noise Factory sat dark and silent. We hopped into the car to see if Chilly's might have some power, because we really wanted some candy. Sometimes when the craving for Swedish Fish hits, there is nothing you can do to stop it.

image from BGNews.com
We called Candice, who had been in the Union computer lab when the power left (and said there was a collective cursing/crying.) Since it was not only storming, but pitch black, we picked her up at the bus stop. For a few minutes we cruised until we got a call from Corey, telling us to come over, because they were drinking beers and wanted to play some board games. We stopped by Kroger (they had power) and grabbed a bag of votive candles. The store was mostly empty, but the people there were all buying beers and batteries for their flashlights.
With the power still out, we made it over to Crunk Manor, where we found Corey, Dustin, Grant, Mike, Sarah, and Steve sitting in a circle, two candles, and an open case of Keystone Light. We came in, sat down, and cracked open some brews.
After finishing my can of refreshing cheap beer, I got bored. I reazlied that in my bag I had my handy multitool (I'm such a Girl Scout) that had a bright blue LED flashlight. It's no fancy Leatherman or Gerber, but it does the job.

leatherman multitool; mine is not this nice.Gee, what did you do with your multitool, Emily? I am sure you, our faithful readers, are asking yourselves. Did I shine the flashlight in Steve's eyes? Well, of course I did. I also decided to get crafty!
The plate we had been keeping the candles on just wasn't cutting it for me anymore. After making sure that my can was good and empty, I took out the blade from my geeky gadget and cut the can in half. Then, I took one of the 50 votive candles we had laying around and put it inside. I then grabbed a match out of the box of matches that was in my car (seriously, I am always prepared!) and lit the candle inside. Ta-da! A beautiful votive holder!

the lovely votive holder.
your beloved craftster, emily!
Anyway, that was a long way to say that I cut a can in half and put a candle inside.
