I'm officially a knitter! Thanks to my partner (in crime and crafts), Emily, I have realized the way of the big giant needle. Over winter break I stopped in JoAnne Fabric to pick up the supplies. I bought a set of needles - size 11 - and some hip yarn. It's called "Through Thick and Thin" so the diameter of the yarn is not consistant. This is good and bad:

good - it's really giving the scarf a nice texture
bad - it's tough to control the tension and it can make things confusing, but it's nothing you crafters can't handle
Anyways, the scarf. My first attempt turned out to be wider than my needles. It was a sad moment that I un-did it all and started over but "Scarf II" is going nicely - though some would say that it is still too wide, you know who you are. And Corey told me it looked like a piece of prank vomit made of yarn, but I think it's pretty. I've learned that knit-beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Emily started a new scarf with me too! Hers is hot pink and she'll be rocking the size 1o needles. You ot'ta see her knit, it's inspiring. Neither scarf is finished, or near finished, but stay tuned - these crafters are soon to have some warm necks!

At the end of the day, i'd say knitting is a good time.
Two crafty thumbs up.
Corey Close: craft hater.
I don't know how to knit... but I *am* a crocheter!
Usually size G needle ;-)
i've had my knitting days a few years back.. and it didn't work out successful. my friend / instructer wasn't too helpful.. sorta like the blind leading the blind... but i've been thinking about taking it up again
ps. forget scarves.. go LEG WARMERS
ow ow!
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